A Beginner’s Exploration into Embeddings
I watched some great videos on YouTube about embeddings. I have played around with various ML APIs but never embeddings directly. It seemed approachable in terms of the concept and the implementation. Check these out:
I wanted to try out embeddings in a practical application. Instead of integrating them into one of my side projects, I used embeddings in my blog, which I interact with regularly.
⌗What are embeddings?
Embeddings represent a word(s) in a multi-dimensional vector space. Embeddings are useful because they allow us to compare words or sentences based on their similarity. Embeddings are helpful in a lot of NLP tasks, but also in other areas like recommendation systems.
⌗Use case for embeddings
It would be good to attempt to use embeddings to power a similar article section in my blog. In Simon Willison’s, he does something similar for his TIL posts, so it is a good use case for me to try. It also allows readers of my blog to see similar published articles.
My blog, based on MDX, is structured in a single document. This simplicity is a key advantage, as it means I can easily create an embedding for the entire document. I don’t need to worry about stitching together multiple sources, making the process efficient and straightforward.
I tried a few things to get this to work for me. The Rabbit Hole Syndrome video explored using free models, which was appealing to me. That is where I decided to start. I was also going to use JavaScript to create these embeddings.
⌗Intergration with my blog
My blog is a astro.build site, and I am pretty sure I could have made an integration, but I wanted to test it before complicating things. So, in a scripts folder at the root of my repo, I setup a pretty basic script to start.
- Read the content directory of my blog
- Load the files found based on whether they are markdown or MDX files.
- Write a JSON result of the embeddings test in the JSON file.
Here is what that roughly looked like:
import fs from 'node:fs/promises'
import path from 'node:path'
import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url'
// a new way to get the __dirname
const dirname = path.dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url))
// A way to resolve the content directory
const resolveBlog = (file) =>
path.resolve(dirname, '../src/content/blog', file)
const blogDir = resolveBlog('')
const files = await fs.readdir(blogDir)
const fileMeta = await Promise.all(
files.map(async (file) => {
const content = await fs.readFile(resolveBlog(file), 'utf-8')
return {
// generating the embeddings can happen here
// write to root
await fs.writeFile(
path.resolve(dirname, '../related-post.json'),
JSON.stringify({}, null, 2) // we will fill this in later
⌗Generating the embeddings
I was ready to start trying out some models. I ended up starting with Huggingface.js. I have heard of Huggingface before but have yet to use the client library. I got a token and tried some models. Huggingface has many models, so I could try out a few to see what worked best for me.
I first started with thenlper/gte-large
model. It had a good ranking on their leaderboard. I could set up some code and see it start spitting out embeddings. Here is what the code looked like:
import { HfInference } from '@huggingface/inference'
import 'dotenv/config' // just to load in the token
const model = 'thenlper/gte-large'
const hf = new HfInference(process.env.HF_TOKEN)
// content is the content of the blog post
const embeddings = await hf.featureExtraction({
inputs: content,
// log the embeddings
There was one gotcha that I ran into, which had to do with the shape of the output. I wanted a single-dimension array, and some models will spit out a 2d array. This response is mainly due to some of the embedding models with work on the sentence, where the 2d arrays will be creating embeddings for tokens in a sentence. If you look for the tag sentence-transformers
in the huggingface models, you will find models more likely to give you a single-dimension array.
⌗Comparing embeddings
Lastly, I needed to compare the embeddings to get this to work. The idea with embeddings is to compare how close two are to determine how similar a post is. I used the cosine similarity to compare the embeddings. Here is what that looked like:
const cosineSimilarity = (a, b) => {
if (a.length !== b.length) {
throw new Error('Vectors must be of the same length')
const dotProduct = a.reduce((acc, val, i) => acc + val * b[i], 0)
const magnitudeA = Math.sqrt(a.reduce((acc, val) => acc + val ** 2, 0))
const magnitudeB = Math.sqrt(b.reduce((acc, val) => acc + val ** 2, 0))
return dotProduct / (magnitudeA * magnitudeB)
I compared all the embeddings and sorted them based on their similarity. I then wrote the results in the JSON file. I could then use this JSON file to power the similar articles section of my blog.
⌗What I learned and have changed
Writing to a file and constantly recreating embedding seems like a waste of time/money. I have since moved this to a database, where I can store the embeddings and compare them on build time using pgvector. I am also switching the architecture of my blog to allow for searching articles using the exact embeddings.
Since the plan was to do that, I ended up going with a solution for the embeddings that was easier for me to manage. So I swapped the embeddings to use openai embeddings. This change allowed me to quickly push the embedding code to the cloud and generate embeddings on the fly for search queries.
Here is the current version of the script that I am using to generate the embeddings.