Jacob Lowe

Visualizing sound on the web

by Jacob Lowe on

This was a talk I had given in early 2017 that showed off some webaudio APIs and how they can be used to create some interesting visualizations. I also talked about some of the creative coding tools I use to make these things.

Transcripts (auto-generate)

  • 00:06
    all right my name is Jacob I am JCB LW
  • 00:10
    everywhere on the web and that's not bad
  • 00:12
    i don't really care about that social
  • 00:14
    website and also i'm an organizer of
  • 00:17
    jail a because i love the Jazz community
  • 00:19
    today I'm going to be talking about
  • 00:22
    visualizing audio on the web very
  • 00:25
    descriptive title nothing fancy no click
  • 00:28
    bait or anything you know you're getting
  • 00:30
    what you see there I probably can work
  • 00:32
    on that especially when we put up the
  • 00:33
    video you want to make it a little bit
  • 00:34
    more enticing and do something with it
  • 00:37
    but right now it's just visualizing the
  • 00:39
    audio on the web so before we go forward
  • 00:43
    and talk about visualizing audio I kind
  • 00:44
    of want steak a step back I mean I'm
  • 00:46
    getting older I turned 29 this month and
  • 00:49
    you know got here the older the older I
  • 00:53
    get the more I like to look back and be
  • 00:54
    nostalgic about the things that of my
  • 00:56
    path and one thing is you know
  • 00:59
    visualizing audio or visualizing music
  • 01:02
    was like it's something that I really
  • 01:03
    really liked now who remembers this yeah
  • 01:07
    so this is windows media player this was
  • 01:10
    actually my first visualizations that I
  • 01:13
    ever you know fall or probably even
  • 01:15
    dealt with as a young child and is it
  • 01:19
    like when I see this I'm like oh it
  • 01:21
    brings me back to a place where I'm
  • 01:23
    sitting in front of my computer and I'm
  • 01:24
    shoving CDs and my you know CD Drive and
  • 01:27
    like opening up a program is before
  • 01:29
    streaming or anything without now this
  • 01:32
    is a YouTube video and let's see
  • 01:34
    comments like this it really makes me
  • 01:35
    sad because it's like this is no longer
  • 01:38
    going to be available to me to be able
  • 01:40
    to use this even though granted i
  • 01:41
    probably wouldn't use it but there's no
  • 01:43
    there's no chance than we actually using
  • 01:45
    it and it's being a YouTube video of
  • 01:47
    course there is like funny comments okay
  • 01:49
    out of trip balls on your 10 this was
  • 01:52
    kind of funny because like I was
  • 01:53
    probably like 10 when i was using
  • 01:57
    windows media player and actually i
  • 01:59
    think this is a pretty good talk title
  • 02:03
    if you don't mind me i'm gonna change
  • 02:06
    this real quick
  • 02:09
  • 02:13
    there we go I think that's gonna that's
  • 02:16
    gonna get two clicks right there all
  • 02:19
    right going forward all right enough
  • 02:23
    about going in the past let's talk about
  • 02:24
    the present so I don't know if you guys
  • 02:27
    have checked out like modern interfaces
  • 02:29
    for playing audio pretty sure you spot a
  • 02:31
    Phi or iTunes or something and one thing
  • 02:34
    about that is that music visualizations
  • 02:36
    are usually gone from those interfaces
  • 02:38
    it's more or less like these are behind
  • 02:41
    some tab or like they're non-existent or
  • 02:45
    the some static visualization which is
  • 02:47
    like on soundcloud you actually have
  • 02:49
    like these very static visualizations
  • 02:52
    and it's pretty much just a progress bar
  • 02:53
    that you're going through and back to
  • 02:56
    myself I actually just started a new job
  • 02:58
    and it's not this really cool place
  • 02:59
    called headspace the meditation app we
  • 03:01
    actually hosted their last month but one
  • 03:04
    thing that's interesting as this is a
  • 03:05
    progression in my like career is also
  • 03:07
    that my prior places I was working with
  • 03:10
    maps and latitude longitude putting pins
  • 03:14
    on a map and if I ever wanted to do
  • 03:17
    anything with audio is really on my own
  • 03:19
    time and there was no really like
  • 03:20
    practical use for me to do it our main
  • 03:23
    product that headspace is actually audio
  • 03:25
    files so me getting to look into these
  • 03:27
    new Web Audio API is actually beneficial
  • 03:29
    for my job as well which I kind of love
  • 03:32
    that like I'm actually doing something
  • 03:33
    that I wanted you as well as it's kind
  • 03:36
    of like benefiting me a little bit and
  • 03:38
    before like started I was like checking
  • 03:40
    out the product that headspace and they
  • 03:42
    have this really cool player it's very
  • 03:44
    light but you can see that the player is
  • 03:46
    kind of moving a little bit it has like
  • 03:47
    a little bit of animation supposed to
  • 03:49
    just be smooth and like soothing it's
  • 03:52
    not really like it's not doing any audio
  • 03:55
    visualization even though you kind of
  • 03:56
    say it's like a vibe type of
  • 03:58
    visualization or something because it is
  • 04:00
    the meditation app but I thought it was
  • 04:02
    really intriguing like I usually you see
  • 04:04
    audio players and it's just a play
  • 04:06
    button and then a stop button maybe a
  • 04:08
    progress bar but you really don't have
  • 04:10
    much innovation and besides doing that
  • 04:13
    you have you know album art as big as
  • 04:15
    you can get it or something and the
  • 04:17
    first thing that went through my mind
  • 04:18
    which I think probably goes through a
  • 04:20
    lot of our minds
  • 04:22
    time to time is I just want to implement
  • 04:24
    it in JavaScript like why we actually
  • 04:26
    have a web player at head space but it
  • 04:29
    looks nothing like that cool one that I
  • 04:31
    was talking about that was like our
  • 04:32
    mobile player and that was actually a
  • 04:34
    youtube video that I was showing that so
  • 04:37
    before I started I actually took off a
  • 04:40
    month and I rode my skateboard around
  • 04:42
    New York and DC but during that time
  • 04:44
    actually stopped in a bunch of coffee
  • 04:46
    shops and I would just hack on stuff and
  • 04:48
    it was mostly trying to implement this
  • 04:50
    thing in JavaScript now the next slide
  • 04:54
    that i'm going to show you is my first
  • 04:55
    try or not first try it's the first step
  • 04:58
    in a progression of trying to implement
  • 05:01
    this player now when you look at this
  • 05:05
    and sorry for the blurry quality but
  • 05:06
    this looks nothing like that player at
  • 05:10
    all so let me kind of like go through my
  • 05:14
    thought process of this so the player is
  • 05:16
    kind of like this random blob and
  • 05:18
    there's like pieces of it moving in a
  • 05:20
    certain direction so what I did was like
  • 05:22
    I want to pick make a bunch of points
  • 05:24
    and put them around a circle and then
  • 05:25
    move them in a random direction and
  • 05:27
    that's what this is except I'm really
  • 05:29
    bad at math so as you can see it's not a
  • 05:32
    circle it actually came out something
  • 05:34
    that's more like a sideways donut I
  • 05:37
    thought it was really cool and like when
  • 05:39
    I built something really cool i liked
  • 05:40
    like at least take a screenshot or put
  • 05:43
    it on twitter or something so that's
  • 05:46
    what i did with this mess just a
  • 05:48
    progression in it as you can see i got
  • 05:50
    better at math there's another
  • 05:52
    visualization why didn't get better i
  • 05:54
    just like figured out what my problem
  • 05:55
    was and fix it and yeah so this is just
  • 06:00
    like a i'm changing the colors around as
  • 06:02
    you can see it's a little bit more
  • 06:03
    coherence getting a little bit closer
  • 06:04
    still doesn't look anything like it and
  • 06:06
    what you'll see in some of my demos as
  • 06:08
    well as just some of the other slides is
  • 06:10
    I like to like I make things very
  • 06:12
    declarative so I can just like take
  • 06:14
    these like numbers and just twist them
  • 06:16
    and like turn them to 11 and then
  • 06:18
    probably turn it back to nine because my
  • 06:19
    computer is lagging too much and that's
  • 06:21
    what you'll see in a lot of these demos
  • 06:23
    is me just kind of like messing around
  • 06:25
    with numbers and I also have another
  • 06:29
    step in here but the thing is is that I
  • 06:31
    did a lot of this without source control
  • 06:34
    and I really wish that I
  • 06:36
    I used sorts of control the entire time
  • 06:37
    because then I can show you a better
  • 06:38
    progression of this because the last
  • 06:41
    slide to this next slide is way
  • 06:44
    different so more or less like there's a
  • 06:47
    big gap in this entire history of this
  • 06:50
    Wiz players came and more or less what I
  • 06:54
    did when I connected those points made
  • 06:56
    quadratic curves between them and made
  • 06:58
    it one solid shape and then I actually
  • 07:00
    started playing audio with it and this
  • 07:02
    next step and fun so this is what it
  • 07:07
    looks like there's a little bit of music
  • 07:09
    here as you can see revision we actually
  • 07:11
    are starting to visualize audio in this
  • 07:13
    and francha this is nothing is not very
  • 07:17
    calm if you look at it this would not be
  • 07:20
    soothing to be inside of a meditation
  • 07:22
    else but more or less this was just me
  • 07:25
    taking that knob and dialing it to 11
  • 07:27
    and so this is like a very simple
  • 07:29
    visualization so I'm taking those random
  • 07:32
    points and usually looks like a small
  • 07:34
    threshold and that's kind of like at a
  • 07:35
    rest 8 and when the one there's like a
  • 07:38
    snare head or a beat drop or something
  • 07:41
    the frequency goes up and you're able to
  • 07:43
    have a larger variation and that's where
  • 07:45
    you feel like the little spikes because
  • 07:47
    it goes in and it goes out now have
  • 07:49
    another one go and turn it back on this
  • 07:53
    one is not so much a demo of the player
  • 07:55
    i'm kind of like showing off some of the
  • 07:56
    functionality because I I kind of build
  • 07:59
    this in stats so but as you can see the
  • 08:03
    animation got a little bit more subtle
  • 08:05
    this one's a little bit better you could
  • 08:07
    actually see this probably in kind of
  • 08:08
    like an interface you could say the
  • 08:11
    animation change instead of just doing
  • 08:13
    like the random points and having a
  • 08:14
    bigger threshold to them this one
  • 08:16
    actually the border gets a little bit
  • 08:17
    larger but it's actually what I found
  • 08:19
    interesting at this point is there's a
  • 08:22
    lot of different things you can do with
  • 08:24
    audio visualization that's not so
  • 08:26
    straightforward I mean this is like a
  • 08:28
    subtle animation if you thought about
  • 08:30
    windows media player that I had in the
  • 08:31
    very first slide or second slide it
  • 08:33
    actually that was like a full screen
  • 08:35
    immersion sometimes a little too much I
  • 08:38
    could say where this is a little bit
  • 08:40
    more subtle granted it probably would
  • 08:41
    get annoying after a while and this
  • 08:44
    really sparked my interest and kind of
  • 08:46
    like audio visualization so much so that
  • 08:48
    I actually built
  • 08:50
    npm module it's called sound dashboard
  • 08:52
    it's on NPM and also you can find it on
  • 08:55
    my github will actually post this to the
  • 08:56
    flak channel afterwards so you guys can
  • 08:59
    check it out if you want what this
  • 09:00
    allows me to do is load up like an audio
  • 09:02
    buffer file and then be able to like
  • 09:04
    analyze the data of it when it's like
  • 09:06
    playing and grab that data out really
  • 09:08
    conveniently instead of hooking up these
  • 09:11
    AP is now you you might be thinking like
  • 09:15
    oh that's cool and all but like how are
  • 09:17
    you actually doing this like what is
  • 09:19
    actually going on that maybe somebody
  • 09:21
    else wants to do audio visualization and
  • 09:22
    like what is the steps that I had to
  • 09:25
    take to get to that point so I have a
  • 09:28
    couple little pieces of code and I'll
  • 09:30
    try to walk through this and then i'll
  • 09:33
    answer questions at the end and i'm
  • 09:34
    pretty sure it'll be mostly about these
  • 09:36
    slides but essentially i'm using the
  • 09:39
    audio contacts API it's I want to say
  • 09:42
    it's you but it's been around for a
  • 09:44
    couple years now the the support for it
  • 09:48
    is pretty good there is some methods
  • 09:50
    that are a little bit spotty on in terms
  • 09:52
    of browser support and more or less like
  • 09:55
    my demos only work in chrome and firefox
  • 09:57
    right now but more or less I'm creating
  • 10:01
    the audio context and that's what I'm
  • 10:02
    doing that new audio context I'm
  • 10:04
    creating a buffer source what a buffer
  • 10:06
    source is essentially I can attach like
  • 10:08
    an audio buffer to it and that will
  • 10:12
    allow me to like play and stop the audio
  • 10:15
    buffer and then I'm also creating an
  • 10:17
    analyzer now the analyzer does exactly
  • 10:19
    what it sounds like it's analyzing the
  • 10:21
    data that is going through it in the way
  • 10:24
    that I can pump data through the
  • 10:25
    analyzer is down below as you can see i
  • 10:29
    am adding the audio buffer now that's
  • 10:32
    like a un aid array which is like a
  • 10:34
    array of arrays that's holding like
  • 10:36
    binary data inside of it and i'm
  • 10:39
    connecting it to the analyzer which i
  • 10:41
    think it's spelled one of these wrong
  • 10:43
    but analyzer connect and then i'm
  • 10:46
    connecting the analyzer straight to the
  • 10:47
    destination you can think of this as
  • 10:48
    with speakers of your computer and then
  • 10:50
    i'm just starting it you can add a bunch
  • 10:52
    of params for that to start it at a
  • 10:54
    certain point
  • 10:55
    now to get the data out of the analyzed
  • 10:59
    because I just showed you how to connect
  • 11:00
    the analyzer this is how you would get
  • 11:02
    it out so you get a buffered lang that's
  • 11:04
    pretty much a the audio that it's
  • 11:07
    playing at a certain time because we're
  • 11:10
    going to call this function over and
  • 11:11
    over and over again so whenever you're
  • 11:13
    playing like an audio file and you want
  • 11:14
    to get a certain data out of a certain
  • 11:17
    time when it's playing you can get the
  • 11:19
    length of the actual binary how long it
  • 11:22
    is and then I'm going to create a UN 28
  • 11:23
    array with that length which is going to
  • 11:26
    just create a blank one and then call it
  • 11:28
    calling audio analyzer get byte time
  • 11:31
    domain data I really love that method
  • 11:33
    name but then call it coin it with data
  • 11:36
    array is actually going to hydrate that
  • 11:38
    data array with a bunch of binary data
  • 11:40
    from that current buffer and then as you
  • 11:42
    can see here I'm just using
  • 11:43
    requestanimationframe to call this thing
  • 11:45
    over and over and over again and get out
  • 11:46
    the the data for each sequence and this
  • 11:52
    is what actually creating the
  • 11:53
    visualization looks like now like I said
  • 11:55
    I'm not good at math so I don't know
  • 11:57
    exactly what's going on here granted
  • 11:58
    there's only a little bit of code but
  • 12:00
    more or less what's happening is we're
  • 12:02
    we're calculating a waveform and we're
  • 12:05
    just getting x and y coordinates for it
  • 12:07
    that's what these are and then you can
  • 12:10
    take those x and y coordinates and you
  • 12:11
    can put absolute this gives or more
  • 12:14
    likely you probably want to render those
  • 12:15
    to a canvas and then you would have like
  • 12:17
    an actual waveform if you just rendered
  • 12:20
    those that's like circles on a canvas
  • 12:21
    which is really cool because it's like
  • 12:23
    that's not that much code to be able to
  • 12:25
    render out a waveform and if you want to
  • 12:29
    look at more there's actually a good mdn
  • 12:31
    doc that i have in like some of my
  • 12:33
    github repos that is the place where i
  • 12:36
    actually learned how to do a lot of this
  • 12:37
    stuff because they have a doc on how to
  • 12:39
    analyze audio data on the web and that's
  • 12:43
    where a lot of this code came from now
  • 12:45
    as a few demos the first one I have here
  • 12:48
    I was just playing around with stuff
  • 12:50
    cranking the knobs on things and this is
  • 12:54
    like a very sporadic like it's exactly
  • 12:56
    like a small snippet of like an
  • 12:58
    animation that you'll see later on but
  • 13:02
    more or less like I call this one that
  • 13:03
    event horizon I just thought it was cool
  • 13:06
    yeah it's a very chaotic
  • 13:08
    and then now I have another demo and
  • 13:13
    this is actually turn this is actually
  • 13:19
    the blob player that I was showing you i
  • 13:22
    just have it down here kind of as a
  • 13:23
    player it's not I mean the whole
  • 13:26
    interface that doesn't revolve around
  • 13:28
    this audio visualization exactly there's
  • 13:30
    a lot of times where I think audio
  • 13:32
    visualization is very good at when it's
  • 13:34
    subtle just these subtle things I mean
  • 13:36
    you talking to your Google assistant or
  • 13:38
    theory or something they're doing a
  • 13:40
    little bit of visualization of the input
  • 13:41
    that's coming into your phone and it's
  • 13:43
    nice that you're getting that feedback
  • 13:44
    that there actually is like audio going
  • 13:46
    through it so I kind of like you know
  • 13:48
    just doing these subtle things but then
  • 13:50
    again I don't always do very subtle
  • 13:53
    things and I have some demos that are a
  • 13:55
    little bit more chaotic now this is a 3d
  • 14:02
    demo it's very it moves very quickly and
  • 14:06
    it's very jagged and this is one trouble
  • 14:08
    that I've been having with visualizing
  • 14:10
    audio it's just that you're getting so
  • 14:11
    much data coming in I like you saw I'm
  • 14:14
    actually i'm just doing
  • 14:15
    requestanimationframe i could delay that
  • 14:17
    but the more i delay it where's the
  • 14:19
    visualizations become and when you have
  • 14:22
    these things happening in every like 100
  • 14:25
    milliseconds or probably shorter than
  • 14:26
    that it's hard to do tween between the
  • 14:29
    different points and be able to do
  • 14:30
    smooth animations it's possible but it's
  • 14:33
    not that easy but this is showing you
  • 14:35
    you can actually like integrate this
  • 14:36
    kind of stuff into anything even like 3d
  • 14:39
    objects then I have one more same song
  • 14:46
    but this is actually just a waveform but
  • 14:49
    it's around a surrounded circle so
  • 14:53
    essentially took that same math that i
  • 14:54
    was able to like to put points around
  • 14:56
    the circle and then I just apply to
  • 14:58
    waveform to it and then that way when it
  • 15:00
    hits like a snare drum or beat drop or
  • 15:02
    something you'll see that the kind of
  • 15:05
    like fan out I'm actually caching like
  • 15:07
    five versions of you know the waveform
  • 15:10
    and then cycling through those and then
  • 15:12
    this outer one is the oldest and the
  • 15:15
  • 15:15
    it's the newest and actually i'll show
  • 15:17
    you really quick how easy it is to like
  • 15:21
    change this around and this is this is
  • 15:23
    why i have so many just random looking
  • 15:26
    visualization I want to go to my code
  • 15:28
    real quick and as you can see I just
  • 15:30
    have like a bunch of variables up at the
  • 15:31
    top but what's cool is that I could just
  • 15:33
    say like 100 and then that should update
  • 15:39
    and that's not I can refresh as you see
  • 15:44
    it changed around the whole
  • 15:45
    visualization I mean granted i think the
  • 15:47
    other one was cooler looking this is not
  • 15:49
    bad as you can see this is actually the
  • 15:51
    one that the event horizon originally
  • 15:53
    came from because you see the lines from
  • 15:55
    the circles the outline and then i could
  • 15:58
    even do things like this which this is
  • 16:00
    actually going to just make my computer
  • 16:02
    go super slow so now i'm catching up to
  • 16:09
    10 of these things and doing the
  • 16:10
    visualizations with that but it once you
  • 16:13
    get something like this it actually
  • 16:15
    starts to slow down the animation it
  • 16:16
    looks very laggy but it's you know it
  • 16:19
    looks really cool especially when you're
  • 16:20
    not hearing the audio because when
  • 16:22
    you're not hearing the audio it just
  • 16:23
    looks like a cool animation but that is
  • 16:28
    it and thank you we have the second mic
  • 16:46
    up here yeah he's got the mic for you
  • 16:57
    um I was using at weaning library uh and
  • 17:02
    the it was just in a blob demo a lot of
  • 17:07
    those things I'm just taking the raw
  • 17:08
    audio data and then I'm trying to make a
  • 17:09
    some type of wave for more like
  • 17:12
    frequency something and then just
  • 17:15
    putting that straight into the points
  • 17:17
    with the blob player and I I'm not
  • 17:19
    really using any animations and like the
  • 17:21
    main thing here but you'll see when I
  • 17:24
    actually press like pause it's kind of
  • 17:27
    like you know tweens out and from those
  • 17:31
    different points that's the only place
  • 17:33
    when i'm actually using animation
  • 17:34
    library at all but definitely if i
  • 17:36
    wanted to smooth things out for instance
  • 17:38
    in like a 3d one it's very jarring
  • 17:39
    sometimes and I'm definitely thinking
  • 17:42
    about integrating some types of
  • 17:44
    animation library or some tweeting
  • 17:45
    library to be able to submit those
  • 17:46
    things out
  • 17:54
    are you kidding a drum so really a lot
  • 18:05
    of the visualizations are more or less
  • 18:07
    based off of what would be the part of
  • 18:10
    the waveform I'm taking like a highest
  • 18:12
    peak of the wave form and saying that's
  • 18:13
    kind of like the highest bit inside of
  • 18:16
    so essentially like based off of that
  • 18:18
    I'm making like the border fatter or the
  • 18:20
    threshold for the the random points
  • 18:23
    larger because you can't really like I
  • 18:25
    mean you can get into a lot of like and
  • 18:26
    like breaking apart the the song and
  • 18:28
    whatnot you can actually do that with
  • 18:30
    the stuff smarter people than I am can
  • 18:32
    do that with that stuff I really just
  • 18:34
    like to make things look cool right off
  • 18:36
    the bat but more or less like what
  • 18:38
    you're seeing here has nothing to do
  • 18:40
    with like separating any of the sounds
  • 18:41
    it's just more or less heavy taking part
  • 18:44
    of the waveform at its peak and being
  • 18:46
    like okay this is a very loud part of
  • 18:48
    the song or something like that no
  • 19:02
    that's a good question because I was
  • 19:04
    going to say something but sometimes I
  • 19:06
    forget to say something so you might see
  • 19:09
    in this slide I actually connect instead
  • 19:12
    of connecting I could connect the source
  • 19:14
    directly to the destination and I that's
  • 19:19
    actually I think inside of the the mdn
  • 19:22
    doc that I was referencing earlier
  • 19:23
    that's how they did it one thing I
  • 19:26
    noticed when I did that though is that
  • 19:27
    the visualization sometimes got out of
  • 19:30
    sync so the way that I was able to kind
  • 19:33
    of fix it was that I would straight from
  • 19:36
    the analyzer go to Z the speaker so that
  • 19:39
    way it always had to go through the
  • 19:40
    analyzer before it hit the speakers so a
  • 19:42
    lot of that latency wasn't there just
  • 19:44
    because the analyzer had already gotten
  • 19:46
    the data out of the buffer that was
  • 19:49
    playing at that current time by the time
  • 19:51
    it hit the speakers
  • 19:56
  • 20:00